DJI flight log syncing
You can use your DJI account to sync flight logs that you have synced through your DJI controller. Set up your account on the integration page. On the flight log DJY sync page, select the account you want to sync.
You can add multiple DJI account if needed.
AirWays (Port of Rotterdam)
this integration is still in development
Calendar (ics feed)
You can integrate your calendar with the calendar in DroneDeck. This is a one way sync that only show your calendar events.
Add a calendar integration account. Type a descriptive name. In your Google account go to your calendar > settings > Settings for your calendar > calendar integration. Copy the public of privat calendar ical link and save.
Add a calendar integration account. Type a descriptive name. In Calendar settings, you can publish your calendar so anyone can view your calendar or subscribe to it.
In Calendar view, select Settings Settings > View all Outlook settings.
Select Calendar > Shared calendars.
Under Publish a calendar, choose which calendar you want to publish and how much detail people can see.
Select Publish.
If you choose an HTML link, recipients can copy and paste the URL in a browser to view your calendar in a new browser window.
If you choose an ICS link, recipients can download the ICS file and import it into Outlook. This will add your events into their calendar, but recipients won't automatically receive any updates to your calendar. Alternatively, recipients can use the ICS link to subscribe to your calendar through Outlook. They'll see your calendar alongside their own and will automatically receive any updates to your calendar.
HTML and ICS calendars are read-only, so recipients won't be able to edit your calendar.
How often your ICS calendar syncs depends on the recipient's email provider.
You can add multiple calendar accounts if needed.